

How can I add additional contact details to my client?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Choose the client you want to add contact to and click on the pencil icon to edit the information.  3. Go to the Client Contact section.  Tip: To add an email address, type it in the E-Mail box. Likewise fo...

How can I add a client?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Click on the blue New client button.  3. Add your client's contact details: e-mail, name and surname, phone and mobile number. The client's email address is a required field. If your client doesn't have an e-ma...

How can I print my client list?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Scroll down and click on the Export to Excel or Save as PDF button.  3. After the download is completed simply open the client list file on your computer and print it.  Tip: This list is different to ...

How can I restore deleted clients?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Click on the grey Deleted button on the bottom of the page.  3. Click on the Restore client icon next to the deleted client that you want to restore.  4. Click on the blue Restore button in the popup window...

How to check the details of my clients?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Click on the pencil  icon next to the client you want to check.  Once you click on Edit client, you'll have an option to add additional details such as notes , contacts .. Don't forget to click on the blue Save...

Why am I not allowed to add any more clients?

You can't add more clients because you've already used the full amount of clients that your account plan allows you to have. If you want to have more clients, you have to upgrade your account to a Pro account. On the Solo account you can manage up...

How can I add notes to my client?

Notes is an optional box on the invoice. Every time you create an invoice you can put some additional information/notes to your client in this box. For example, you can add a special discount for their next order or your business number. You can f...

How can I delete a client?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Click the trash bin icon next to the client you want to delete.  3. Confirm that you really want to delete the client.  You can always restore a deleted client, so don't worry if you accidentally delete the w...

How can I change my client's tax name and tax number?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Click on the pencil icon next to the client you want to edit tax details for.  3. In the Client's Overview page, scroll down to the " Tax  name " and " Tax  number " fields. After adding the information, don't fo...

How can I flag a client (include a private message)?

1. Go to your  Clients  page.  2. Click on  New Client  or on  pencil  to edit an existing client.  3. Click on Notes , on the right side, to get into a Client Notes space. After adding a note, click on the blue Save changes  button.  Next tim...

How does the Client Portal work?

When sending an invoice to a client you can also attach a link to the hosted invoice within our Client Portal. That way your client can view, download, print, comment and (if activated) pay the invoice online.  1. Head over to the Invoices page ...

How to set up an invoice reminder?

1. Go to the Clients page.  2. Click on the client  you want to set up an invoice/payment reminder for.  3. Click on Reminders  and then click on +Add another reminder .  By ticking off the box next to text: Automatically send payment remi...